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Follow the progress of the competition for the new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki


Follow the progress of the competition for the new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki

The open, international design competition for the New Museum of Architecture and Design planned in Helsinki is underway. The first phase of the competition will end on 29 August 2024, by which participants must submit their proposals. The competition brief can be found on the competition website, where news updates will also be posted throughout the process.

The competition seminar, open to all interested participants, was held on 24 April 2024. The seminar delved into the competition brief and objectives, featuring presentations from several experts and members of the competition jury. Watch the seminar recording. Inquiries regarding the competition brief could be submitted until 12 May. Inquiries received by the deadline, along with the answers from the competition organizer, are available for download from the competition site. Review the questions and answers. Competition news is also shared on Instagram at @admuseo.

Towards the New Museum of Architecture and Design with the Public

The Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum Helsinki invite exploration of architecture and design through their joint program at their familiar addresses, Kasarmikatu 24 and Korkeavuorenkatu 23. The design competition for the New Museum of Architecture and Design will be featured in the museums' summer program.

In the "Utopia Now" exhibition's AD-museum room, visitors can explore the history of the two museums, as well as the location and planning of the new museum building. This space also allows visitors to work on their own ideas for the future museum by building and testing them with Legos on the museum's site and as part of the cityscape. Learn more about the exhibition on the Design Museum's website.

During the guided walking tours in July and August, attention will be drawn to museum buildings in the heart of Helsinki, inspired by the competition for the New Museum of Architecture and Design. See the schedule for public walking tours.

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