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Discussion on the New Museum of Architecture and Design Continued at Helsinki Design Week – Recording Now Available for Viewing


Discussion on the New Museum of Architecture and Design Continued at Helsinki Design Week – Recording Now Available for Viewing

Discussion on the New Museum of Architecture and Design Continued at Helsinki Design Week – Recording Now Available for Viewing

The conclusion of the first stage of the design competition for the New Museum of Architecture and Design was celebrated at Helsinki Design Week on 12 September 2024. The public event explored the future museum’s role as a public space, its societal significance, and how the museum can serve a broad audience. The evening featured quick expert presentations by museum’s international advisors, an in-depth panel discussion modereted by Kieran Long, and a keynote speech talk by Paola Antonelli from MoMA on museums as agents of change. During the event, an online gallery showcasing the results of the first stage of the design competition was launched.

Museum as a Platform for Diverse Perspectives

The panel discussion, "How to Build a Museum for a 21st Century Museum," moderated by Amos Rex’s Museum director Kieran Long, included Tommi Laitio, strategist and former executive director of Culture and Leisure for the City of Helsinki, and historian Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen, a professor at Yale School of Architecture.

As a historian, Pelkonen emphasized the importance of collections in bringing history to life: "Collections concretise history. I truly believe that collections are the heart and soul of museums." In her teaching at Yale, Pelkonen has witnessed the integral role collections play in education, highlighting the importance of accessibility, particularly for educational purposes. "You can teach history, read books about history, but when you can touch the objects, you truly understand the era", she stressed.

Museums as Public Spaces

Tommi Laitio, who currently consults for several cities, foundations, and cultural institutions, namely libraries, emphasized the museum’s role as a public space and what it truly means to be open to everyone. Museums should offer a range of perspectives, which will naturally provoke varied opinions at times: "You have to be able to recognise some level of friction and combine it with elements of wonder and awe." According to Laitio, museums must find a balance between creating impactful experiences and fostering everyday dialogue.

The panel also discussed how to design a museum that integrates into its neighbourhood. Laitio argued that the answer lies in a carefully composed architectural competition brief. He reminded us that a good museum is not just a striking building; it also needs to serve the everyday lives of citizens and create a sense of community.

Insights from the Museum’s Advisory Board Members

The event also featured five short talks from members of the AD Museum’s international advisory group: Johannes Suikkanen, Teemu Suviala, Liza Chong, Ervin Latimer, and Linda Liukas. Each speaker shared insights from their areas of expertise on how the New museum can act as a socially significant space. The presentations were moderated by Maria Budtz Sørensen from DVDL Future Planners. The evening culminated with a keynote from MoMA’s Paola Antonelli, who spoke about museums as catalysts for societal discussions.

Online Gallery for the Design Competition Entries Open until November 29

During the event, the online gallery for the new Architecture and Design Museum's design competition was unveiled, giving the public the opportunity to explore the competition entries. The online gallery is open until November 29. You can access the gallery here

The event recording is also available for viewing on Vimeo

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