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FAQ - after the submission of the Stage 1 (updated September 12)


FAQ - after the submission of the Stage 1 (updated September 12)

Stage 1 of the design competition of the new museum of architecture and design has concluded. Below you can find frequently asked questions and answers regarding the submissions.

Why can't I find my submission in the online gallery?

By default, all works submitted with complete status have been accepted for evaluation and are visible in the gallery. However, in the case of a few works, the jury has not taken them into consideration for evaluation, as the submitted material was clearly insufficient in relation to the requirements, or the works did not address the task assigned in the AD Museum project competition program on the selected site. Additionally, proposals with an incomplete status, but with only minor deficiencies that the jury deemed acceptable for evaluation, have also been included in the gallery. In case of any issues, you can contact the email address below.

The quality of PDF boards of my submission is not how it should – why?

To provide a fast and high-quality browsing experience, we utilize rasterized image pyramids. This process generates multiple resolution versions of the original PDF boards to optimize data traffic between the cloud and browsers. When viewing PDF drawings at a small size, thin lines can appear almost invisible, similar to how fine details on a large printed board fade when seen from far away. Some PDF viewers can automatically make these lines thicker at smaller scales to keep them visible, but our system keeps the original line thickness to ensure accuracy. As a result, when zoomed out, thin lines and graphics may seem to disappear. This is normal, just like looking at a detailed object from a distance. Zooming in will reveal all the fine details exactly as they were drawn. Due to the need for faster loading times on the web, some compression artifacts may be visible in the content.

Why can we see only five pages of each submission on the online gallery?

According to the competition brief, only five first pages of each submission are published. The jury works with the complete submitted material of each entry.

I did not receive a confirmation email after the submission, how do I know that the submission was successful?
If you saved your submission with all the required fields by the deadline, you should have received an automatic PDF receipt to your computer’s downloads folder (unless prohibited by settings). If the status of the PDF receipt is complete, the submission has been done successfully. There will be no separate confirmation email sent afterwards. An online gallery showcasing the main views of each accepted submission from the Stage 1 of the design competition will be launched for public viewing on Thursday, 12 September. The online gallery will remain open until 29 November.

I submitted an entry but received a PDF receipt with a status ”incomplete”. Can the entry still be evaluated?
If the status of the PDF receipt is incomplete, there is required information missing. All entries will be checked and the jury may consider evaluating an entry if all relevant information is present in the submitted entry.

There was a misunderstanding with the deadline, can we still submit?
Since the competition is a public procurement, it is extremely important that no submissions are accepted after the specified deadline. The submission page had a timer displaying the remaining time. We appreciate your interest in the competition and, of course, are extremely sorry if your submission failed. If you have followed the recommendations and submitted a draft version earlier, and it included all the required elements, the jury may consider the entry during the evaluation. An online gallery showcasing the main views of each accepted submission from the Stage 1 of the design competition will be launched for public viewing on Thursday, 12 September.

How do I know if our submission will be evaluated?
An online gallery showcasing the main views of each accepted submission from the Stage 1 of the design competition will be launched for public viewing on Thursday, 12 September.

Why do I need an Access code?
Access code was generated for two purpose: a) to anonymously identify and store the competition proposal data in the database, b) to allow anonymous editing access to the stored competition proposal during the competition submission time before deadline and not after that. After the deadline has passed, the ID can no longer be used to edit, complete or access one's competition entry.

Can we publish the submitted entry in our own media and communications channels? 
The competition is anonymous. The anonymity of the entries shall be observed until the jury has rendered its opinion or made its final decision. This means that the jury need to able to evaluate all entries without connecting the entries to the authors of the entry. Competitors must ensure anonymity when drawing up and submitting their entries. If the jury finds out the authors of an entry, it may need to be excluded from the evaluation process. The entries must be kept anonymous until the competition organiser announces the final results of the competition (September 2025).

When will the jury start the evaluation and announce the finalists?
The jury will begin their work immediately. The entries selected to Stage 2 of the competition are announced in December.

I have a question regarding the competition and my submission, who should I contact?
In general questions regarding the competition, please send an email to designcompetition@admuseo.fi. If you have a question regarding your submission, to fasten the process, please provide us your access code and pseudonym.

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