Data Protection Description
Data Protection Act 1050/2018
Drawn up on 4 October 2021, updated on 21 February 2025.
Foundation for Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design
Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki
Contact person in register-related matters
Erika Parvikoski
Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki
Newsletter register for the New Museum of Architecture and Design.
The purpose of handling personal data
The register is used for managing stakeholder relations and informing about current activities of the project of the New Museum of Architecture and Design.
The register contains customers’ contact information, i.e. surname, first names, title, organisation, email address and permission or prohibition to send electronic direct marketing material.
Regular sources of information
Calling card given by the customer, information supplied by the customer or the customer’s professional connection. Registers updated and information is removed in the manner required by law.
Regular disclosure of data
Foundation for Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design does not disclose information in the register to third parties. However, the main contact persons of the Design Museum Foundation are allowed to process contact information with the permission of the Foundation for Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design.
Disclosure of data outside the EU or ETA
Information in the register is not disclosed outside the EU or the ETA.
Principles of register protection
A) Manual material
Any list of contact information that has been compiled manually is disposed of by placing it in a locked waste paper collection container after the data has been transferred to an electronic database.
B) Electronically processed data
The data contained in the register is in the Gruppo database with limited access for only designated persons (and limited user rights).
Everyone concerned has the right to inspect information recorded in the register of persons. Requests for information are to be addressed to the Foundation for Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design.
Right to demand correction of data
Everyone concerned has the right to demand the correction of information. Requests for corrections are to be addressed to the contact person of the Foundation for Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design.
Other rights pertaining to handling of personal data
The data of the register is kept in a password-protected database. The equipment of the information system that handles and processes it is kept in locked computer rooms and the system is protected with a firewall. Access to the customer register is permitted for only those employees of the Foundation for Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design, and Design Museum Foundation, for whose work access is necessary. The customer register is protected with personal passwords.
Updating the data protection description
This data protection description may be updated if necessary. The up-to-date data protection description can be found on the website at any given time.
© 2021–2023 — Foundation for the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design