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Deadline for the Stage 1 Approaching – Closing Date on August 29 at 5pm (GMT +3)


Deadline for the Stage 1 Approaching – Closing Date on August 29 at 5pm (GMT +3)

Stage 1 of the design competition for the New Museum of Architecture and Design is closing soon. Entries must be submitted through the submission portal at submit.admuseo.fi by August 29, 2024 at 5pm (GMT+3).
It is highly recommended to test the portal during the competition period and before the final day of the submission. The participant can add or delete documents on the portal during the competition period until the submission deadline. The submission portal will automatically close at the given time on the last day of submission. Submitted complete competition entry is automatically confirmed as received competition entry when the competition period ends.
In technical questions or challenges regarding the submission portal, the participant must use the help / feedback form at the submission portal (right down corner) and contact Tietoa Competition Cloud team.
Please note that entries sent any other ways are not accepted to jury evaluation.

Online Gallery Showcasing the Submissions Will Be Published on September 12

All requested materials must be presented at the requested locations according the model template (competition brief, appendix 1). Pages 1–5 from all competition entries (Page 1: View image 1 – oblique aerial view, page 2: Summary, page 3: View image 2 & 3 – at ground level when arriving from the direction of Market Square and view from the sea, page 4: View image 4 – main interior space and page 5: Feel & look mood board) submitted successfully for Stage 1 of the competition will be published with a pseudonym at the online gallery. The online gallery will be published on September 12.

In Stage 1 of the competition, the materials to be submitted may not contain anything other than the requested documents. Submitting additional material may lead to rejection of the entry.

The competition is anonymous. Each document of the competition proposal must include a pseudonym chosen by the participant and the material must not contain any other author information. File names must begin with the pseudonym. Author information is given on the Submission of Competition Entries webpage (point 5). These details will only be used to contact the participants after the competition has been concluded.

Jury Evaluation

Competition jury will start evaluation after the submission deadline. The entries selected for Stage 2 of the competition are planned to be published in December.

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